Matching With Friends Free App Reviews

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My phone froze when I went to upgrade of course I didnt backup what was on phone. Thought what was the one I mostly played with before and when I put their name stated no one I played some different ones when uploaded the game I havent played game for a while so after I write this review and then I am deleting app on phone Need to maybe to add some more on the tiles besides stars. Make it more exciting

Matching with friends

I love this game. It has a couple of glitches, hence the four stars. It freezes Occasionally, and it does a couple of other things that are annoying, but overall I enjoy it.

Love it

Love this game. It has a few minor glitches but easy enough to recall and restart.

Getting Irritated

I have been playing this game for years now and LOVE it! However, Im really getting irritated with the continuous pop-ups that tell me how to play the game. For example, it will pop up and say that I have so many turns left, or multipliers will give more points, etc. I know how to play the game already!!!! Those pop-ups during game play are infuriating! Please fix

I like

I like this game its cool its awesome


I have had this app for 4 years. Since new update the ads have gotten ridiculously long. Makes me want to delete App.

Fun game and no spelling

This is a very fun game to add to your collection of apps. You can rest your brain from all the spelling games and word games and just have fun with colors. Dont think its too simple though. It can be very challenging.

Fun but has issues

There are a few bugs. While placing pieces, before finalizing your turn, sometimes a piece will get "stuck" on and cant be moved or rotated. Thankfully, there is the Recall button but its annoying. Also, you are supposed to be able to watch a video to get free coins but at the end of the video, nothing happens. The screen blanks out and shows an X in the corner but nothing else happens. You press the X and are asked if you want to cancel watching the video - no reward. Whatever. Cant complain too much as coins can be won by playing and finishing games. Overall, its a good casual time waster with fun strategy elements.

Awesome puzzle

It makes you think for the best strategical moves

Fun, but...

Been playing this game for years and but its gotten to the point that Im going to erase. The ad content is absurd. Every time the program is launched it opens up Facebook in safari and after every move a double set of ads pop up. Sometimes 15 second movies. Ridiculous.


This game is definitely fun, but the crazy long, repetitive ads are getting to be really obnoxious. Ive thought of deleting the app on several occasions. Also, when the pieces stick, thats super obnoxious as well. Sometimes theyll get stuck there for a good minute! Otherwise, fun to play.

Fun game - but long LOUD ads

I understand the desire to make money on ads. But lately the ads being run are obnoxiously loud and very long. Which is why my rating is a 3 instead of a 5. Otherwise it is a very fun game that I enjoy playing.


Its fast and addicting


LOVE this game and have played it thousands of times, but Hate the overwhelming number of constant and repetitive ads. Is there a version you can pay for to avoid them? Dont know how much longer I can stand the ads - I will hate to dump the game but may have to in order to save my sanity. HELP❗️

Great game

I love this game, chance to interact with others and solve puzzle type games. Wish you could still play against yourself, or pass it, like in the original version but otherwise good except when dumb people dont play back after theyve started a game LOL!

Hasnt worked in a week

Getting really irritated! My app has not worked in a week! It just keeps saying "updating games".

Great fun

A challenging game that is quite fun.

Love it

I can take my turn quickly while Im on hold at work, or back and forth for hours.

Nice but has issues

Great app to play, but it freezes. Also while you play, it drags like it is about to freeze as I was playing in a slow motion. Please fix it.


Great game. Levels are the same with different challenges. Wish you could earn free tools as you win levels along with points. Maybe there could be a super move or bonus bomb hidden under a special square like scrabble. Love playing

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